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Why Should Women Read Judges?

Why should women read Judges?

From the pinnacle of victory to the anarchy of civil war, the book of Judges is a warning worthy of heeding. Despite Israel’s partial obedience and lack of repentance, God remained true to His covenant and His people. For women, the book of Judges reveals a crucial truth: The protection and care of women is proportionate to Israel’s devotion to Yahweh. Women are placed in situations of combat, left unprotected and vulnerable to abuse. When a nation deviates from God’s commands, women are devalued.

Biblical Womanhood- Feminine Leadership

Deborah models distinct feminine leadership. Unlike the public ministries of male prophets (e.g., Isaiah and Jeremiah), she spoke privately to individuals who came to her. In her exhortation to Barak, Deborah confronted the military leader with the question, “Hasn’t the Lord . . . commanded you . . .” (4:6)? Her purpose was to inspire Barak toward obedient action, supporting and affirming his leadership. Feminist interpretations of this passage claim that Deborah was a military leader. However, the text reveals that she merely accompanied Barak at his request, rebuking him for his unwillingness to act in faith in God’s revelation (4:8). Deborah is not said to have been “raised up” as the other major judges. This nuance in no way discredits or downplays Deborah’s extraordinary leadership and strength but rather demonstrates that God’s employment of feminine leadership is distinct from masculine leadership and in harmony with His original design for womanhood. As with other godly women in the Bible, Deborah demonstrates that feminine leadership is conducted in a manner that supports the creation order. Like Deborah, you, too, can express your gifts and personality in harmony with God’s design for femininity, as helpers who are clothed with strength and honor (Gn 2:18; Pr 31:25).

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